
Showing posts from July, 2024

Dear Us

I will never have the answers. I'm learning how to be okay with that. I'm learning how to remain emotionally and mentally courageous even when confusion attempts to stir up a whirlwind. At the expense of learning hard lessons I'm realizing that I am literally winging it in this life. There is no manual. There is no how to on how to live the best life possible. I don't know why it has taken me thirty - seven years of living to finally realize this. It is completely hitting me at this very moment why I need to give myself more credit. I've truly been hard on myself. Maybe you have to. We both do not have the blueprint on how life will end for either of us so let's make a pack. Let's promise that each day when we wake up that the best that we give that day will be enough for ourselves.  At night when we lay in bed we will not ruminate over all the things that went wrong. Instead we will have compassion, grace and be pleased with ourselves because we are doing t