The toxic family unit no one talks about

I've been wanting to write something for a while now but nothing I had to say felt meaningful. Nothing I had to say felt impactful during those times in which I wanted to write and share with you all. However at last I feel as though I have something worth sharing.

 I've come to the realization that there are a lot people out there who are so self aware within their family unit that when relatives who have unintentionally caused trauma to this self aware person in the family, that at some point, he/she will get so pushed to the edge ( Mentally and emotionally) by these relatives; the only thought in their mind is the idea of their relatives being deceased. Moreover he/she can also at times have thoughts about themselves being deceased because he/she have reached the capacity on how much negativity one can tolerate from a toxic and dysfunctional family unit. 

I'm not sure why there hasn't been enough conversations about toxic family units in which where emotional and mental abuse and neglect exist. It seems as though people have shrugged this issue under the rug, so much as to say that because they are family, this topic of emotional and mental abuse shouldn't be talked about. People don't talk about mothers and fathers who emotionally and mentally oppress their children. To these parents these children are simply an extension of them and cannot perceive their own children's individual identity. 

Some children who grow up in these toxic environments often begin to feel emotionally and mentally oppressed especially as they transition into adulthood if they are still within close proximity to those same toxic relatives. A lot goes unsaid about adult children who have suffered at the expense of those who were emotionally and mentally neglectful towards them. Adult children who have experienced toxic familial relationships are often made to questioning themselves in regards to their identity and their value in this world. What's even more appalling is the fact that now that they're adults they are now forced to take on roles and responsibilities that they probably don't feel ready for.

A lot of Adult children may end up having jobs and families of their own but deep down they are still trying to figure out what makes them valuable, what does love look like and can they become the love they didn't receive? or if are they smart enough, is their creativity good enough to give back to society? so so and so forth. These adult children are constantly questioning themselves because they were never affirmed, they were never taught to have a positive perspective of themselves And this is just one of the issues that some adult children struggle with and I'm sure the struggle looks different for a lot of these adult children.

if you are one of those adults who grew up emotionally and mentally neglected by your parents or have had negative familial relationships with siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles...I am sorry and you deserved better. You deserved to have been respected, heard, loved and protected by those who were suppose to be your family. I hope in this season of your life, you find the mental and emotional healing from your traumatic experience. May the fire of your love for self and life never cease to burn. 


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