The Trauma of Neglect

 There's a trauma that comes with being emotionally neglected as a child. When you become an adult it seems as if the only person really living is the traumatized version of yourself who refuses to disappear. No matter how I think about it, the feeling of being neglected is not an easy feeling to part from once one becomes aware of how crippling it actually is. For instance, I have this terrible fear of rejection and I've had it for years and it wasn't until today that I realized that my fear of rejection stemmed from me often feeling emotionally neglected. Neglect has made me tremble at the sight of rejection. This thief named neglect has made me make stupid decisions that should have never been made. Neglect stole my ability to make healthy decisions, it stole my ability to be courageous, joyful, content.  It has become this monstrous beast who seems to follow me in my every day life. My hope is that one day I'll have conquered this beast. That I'll have see this thief as a distant memory.

I have no solution or advice but to the girl who grew up feeling emotionally neglected I would just like to say that I am sorry and that you are worthy of every ounce of love, joy, peace and contentment. I hope you dream until your heart feels like it's going to burst. May your love always be reciprocated and never rejected. May your creativity bring light not just to others but also to yourself. 


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