
Showing posts from January, 2021

Thought's of a saved loner.

I've been a loner for most of my life. I've been a loner who has been desperate for community, desperate to belong since I was a young child. For most of my life, I've been searching for a community to be seen and accepted by. It's becoming clear however that right now, it isn't in God's plan for me to be in community. To be honest it sucks. It hurts. I low key hate it here in isolation. But I can't help but wonder if being this isolated is God's way of getting me to see myself. What if it's God's way of getting rid of the distractions? what it's God's way of drawing me closer to him? I have often wondered if I'll ever get married?. Will I ever get to feel like I've succeeded?. What if I only feel lonely because the community I feel like I deserve is not what God see's as a good fit for me? What if the community I seek isn't part of God's plan for me and the path that he would have me to go? I'm a loner and I'm