
Death is something that will always remain inevitable. There's no escaping or fighting one's way out of death. It affects each and everyone one of us whether we're the one's dying or the ones who have to live with the aftermath of someone's death. Death does not discriminate. Death doesn't care who you are or what societal class you're from. When it's time for death to infiltrate your body, all you can do is surrender and leave without as much regret in your life.

I have often wondered what would our reality be like if the people who died were able to visit us in spirit in some way and tell us what their after life is like. Would some of us get  a warning to straighten up or would some of us be encouraged to continue to not grow weary in well doing? Would we have closure?

Death is so impactful that no matter how long after someone has died no matter how many years have passed, we always feel the effects of it. Sometimes we feel it at Thanksgiving or Christmas. For some it could be on birthdays and weddings. We feel what death have taken from those of us who are still living and all we can do is accept it.

To each and everyone one of you who will read this post and to those who are still grieving, please heal. take your time and then go after your dreams. Don't be afraid to love well. Don't be afraid to be unique, creative and special and I'll do the same.


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