Four words that make a difference

Love. care. respect. empathy. Why is it so hard for us as human beings to exhibit these qualities to one another. I hate that I live in a world that is afraid to accept diversity. I was just thinking that even if I didn't have a spiritual belief, to love, care, respect and empathize would be qualities and an act that I would still  try to display someone else.

Sometimes it seems as though the people in this world has a hard time grasping the concept of love, care, respect and empathy if it does not involve a friend, lover or relative. Why can't we love, care for, respect and empathize with one another regardless of the color our skin, our spiritual beliefs or class.

If you sit for a moment alone and think about all the times you felt rejected, scared, and or abandoned by someone, what you really wanted was someone to love you, care for you, respect you and empathize with you. If you can realize that for yourself then surely the someone else other than you needs you also to love, care, respect and empathize with him or her.

Even though on the outside we may seem a whole lot different on the outside, I promise deep within each and everyone one us we are the same and want love, care respect and empathy.


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