Interracial interest

Two years ago I was introduced to Korean dramas and have been addicted ever since. While binge watching Korean dramas my life away I found myself in deep like with some of the Korean male actors. It kind of surprised me. It surprised me because I had never really found men who were of asian decent such as Japanese or Chinese attractive so to have been introduced to Korean dramas and see really handsome Korean men on screen was astonishing.

Finding myself attracted to good-looking Korean men caused me to think a lot about whether or not if I would really enter into a relationship with someone who is foreign to me. Would I still consider a Korean man foreign if I knew him better? 

Growing up, I lived mostly amongst African-Americans, Haitian-Americans, Caucasians, Cape Verdean's, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. The idea of dating men from those mentioned cultural groups to me is a non issue for me because I'm familiar with them but I am not familiar with Korean men or women. I do not recall ever having Korean friends nor seeing Korean people throughout out my academic career which I find it pretty darn interesting when I think about it.

Even in Hollywood, you don't see a lot of Korean Actors and actresses. You mostly see African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics. The only known Korean Actors who are well acknowledged in American television that I am familiar with is Sandra oh and Ken Jeong, other than that you don't hear too much about Koreans. Also when it comes to Korean artist you don't hear too much about them. The only Korean artist that I have ever really seen formally acknowledged on American television is the group BTS (they're pretty amazing!)

I"m pretty grateful about the fact that I was introduced to Korean drama's and introduced to the Korean culture. I would love to see more Korean people in Hollywood and to see more interracial relationships involving Korean men and women.

If the opportunity ever came up, I think I would date a Korean man for two reasons. One reason is because from what I can grasp of Korean men thus far is that they seem more comfortable in their man hood. They don't seem like the type of men who are caught up in the idea of what it looks like to be manly. They just are and I love that. Secondly Korean men seem like such gentle men and I don't know if it's because that's how they are portrayed in the drama but they just seem very laid back and in nature and are always making sure that they mind their manners.

To sum up, I have expressed such thoughts in hopes that it might spark an interest or curiousity in you to look into another culture that you are unfamiliar. After being introduced to Korean culture I would love nothing more than to spend a year of my life living in Korea. The more aware we are of other cultures I believe the more we can fight against racism and prejudice.

Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. 
Jacqueline Woodson


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