
Showing posts from March, 2019

No more broken friendships

Have you ever wondered if you have been careless about choosing your friends? I've come to the realization lately that bad friends aren't always bad people. Bad friends can be good people who are nice but are incapable of being committed to you. When you think about the friends you've lost over the years, I'm sure a lot of them weren't awful people. Some friendships drifted and you can't help but wonder why was it even possible to end? These are friends we laughed with, cried with, told secrets to. Friends who comforted us, made us laugh, friends who some us never even argued with. Why did it take a sour turn? I'm sure the reason is different for everyone but I'm beginning to think that most friendships that end with friends who were nice was not because of their person hood but because of unmet expectations. When we create friendships with others most of us if you're anything like me tend to just go with the flow. We "connect" beca

Interracial interest

Two years ago I was introduced to Korean dramas and have been addicted ever since. While binge watching Korean dramas my life away I found myself in deep like with some of the Korean male actors. It kind of surprised me. It surprised me because I had never really found men who were of asian decent such as Japanese or Chinese attractive so to have been introduced to Korean dramas and see really handsome Korean men on screen was astonishing. Finding myself attracted to good-looking Korean men caused me to think a lot about whether or not if I would really enter into a relationship with someone who is foreign to me. Would I still consider a Korean man foreign if I knew him better?  Growing up, I lived mostly amongst African-Americans, Haitian-Americans, Caucasians, Cape Verdean's, Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. The idea of dating men from those mentioned cultural groups to me is a non issue for me because I'm familiar with them but I am not familiar with Korean men or women