You vs. Lack

One of the hardest things to do when one is living in lack is to have faith. 

Faith according to biblical definition (NLT Version) is the reality of what we hope for. It is the evidence of things we cannot see. 

When an individual is use to living in lack, that lack causes one to believe that the lack that he/she is living in is the biggest issue. The lack is what really needs to be resolved. Maybe it's not the lack that only needs to be resolved, but it's also one's faith. Even if one may feel like there is no way of coming out the lack that he/she is in, shouldn't faith be the levee that keeps hopelessness, fear and doubt from overflowing?

Lack has become a secret bully to a lot people. Lack has become masked the same way a woman masks her beaten up face so that no one knows that her man is abusive. A lot of individuals have masked their lack with a countenence that wouldn't alarm any one else. They smile when they want to cry. They put on a positive attitude when feel like they ought to be breaking down. They sleep when they want to hide it. 

The bible says that faith without good deeds is useless (NLT version). However you may find yourself in lack today, I hope you find a way to do something about it. I hope the right person or the right opportunity comes your way so that curse of lack can be broken and reversed. 

It's easy to give up. It's easy to let unbelief set in. It's easy to feel forgotten or overlooked when you are living in lack but I just want to encourage you by saying, don't give up. don't stop believing that that things can change for the better. Don't let lack muzzle you. Don't let lack cause you to believe that you have nothing to offer in this world because you do. 

So you're in a battle with lack. Fight back because because eventually...You'll win. 


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