Job Requirements

It's been three months since I moved from my home state Massachusetts to Florida. I've applied to countless jobs, went to interviews only to get turned down. Granted that the only form of a degree that I have to my name is a high school diploma I don't believe that ought to be an issue. In this country we love to talk a lot about equality but being on the same side of those experiencing unemployment, it really made me realize that this country doesn't offer enough quality jobs for those who do not have a college education.

I really feel like what we need to crack down on in this country is what jobs ought to require a bachelor's degree and up and what jobs Simply require training. For instance I personally believe that if a company is looking for someone to promote their brand on social media, it shouldn't require a bachelor's degree to do so, if anything I feel as though one can be trained on how the company want's their brand promoted online and what they want the employee to analyze as far as what's the most effective way to promote the brand online.

Now I know that there are those of you who actually market a lot of brands online full-time and say well, Milca there's so much more to it, well if there is, I'm always open for correction but if I were to ask you now that you're in the position and thriving did a bachelor's degree really seem like requirement?

There are so many jobs out here that don't require a degree but only require common sense and the will to learn daily when you get to the job because even after you train it will always be up to you individually to make the best out the job that you are in.


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