It's ok if you don't want to get married

In four months I will be 32 and I am still single. For some it might be their worst nightmare but for me, I wouldn't have it any other way. While I was in deep thought in-regards to marriage for the past few nights, I realized something. Marriage isn't a priority for me. Matter of fact the idea of me getting married any time soon actually makes me nervous.

Nervous how?, Well first off, I haven't lived as single as I want to be. There's still so much that I want to do and experience single that I feel like if I were to get married I either wouldn't have the time or I would have to check in with my husband. Having a husband to check in with to do what I want to do isn't something I want right now.

I truly find it ironic that when I was a young girl watching Disney movies such as Snow White and Cinderella and thinking back then that having a man rescue me would be my portion. That having a man by my side increased my value as a woman some how. Such mentality remained with me until I finally realized that a man by side was a choice and not a requirement.

We live in society that often tries to tell us that being married is better than being single and I hate that. Granted that being single doesn't always feel great but I can honestly say that there are somethings about myself that I discovered being single that I don't think I would have discovered if I were married because I am truly the type who often lose themselves once in a relationship.

I'm not saying that I'll never get married, because I know that remaining permanently single isn't a desire of mine. I just do not like that there's this idea that being single cannot be a positive choice for one to make. It's how you live while being single that matters.


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