
Showing posts from January, 2019

You vs. Lack

One of the hardest things to do when one is living in lack is to have faith.  Faith  according to biblical definition (NLT Version) is the reality of what we hope for. It is the evidence of things we cannot see.  When an individual is use to living in lack, that lack causes one to believe that the lack that he/she is living in is the biggest issue. The lack is what really needs to be resolved. Maybe it's not the lack that only needs to be resolved, but it's also one's faith. Even if one may feel like there is no way of coming out the lack that he/she is in, shouldn't faith be the levee that keeps hopelessness, fear and doubt from overflowing? Lack has become a secret bully to a lot people. Lack has become masked the same way a woman masks her beaten up face so that no one knows that her man is abusive. A lot of individuals have masked their lack with a countenence that wouldn't alarm any one else. They smile when they want to cry. They put on a positive a

It's ok if you don't want to get married

In four months I will be 32 and I am still single. For some it might be their worst nightmare but for me, I wouldn't have it any other way. While I was in deep thought in-regards to marriage for the past few nights, I realized something. Marriage isn't a priority for me. Matter of fact the idea of me getting married any time soon actually makes me nervous. Nervous how?, Well first off, I haven't lived as single as I want to be. There's still so much that I want to do and experience single that I feel like if I were to get married I either wouldn't have the time or I would have to check in with my husband. Having a husband to check in with to do what I want to do isn't something I want right now. I truly find it ironic that when I was a young girl watching Disney movies such as Snow White and Cinderella and thinking back then that having a man rescue me would be my portion. That having a man by my side increased my value as a woman some how. Such mentality rema

Job Requirements

It's been three months since I moved from my home state Massachusetts to Florida. I've applied to countless jobs, went to interviews only to get turned down. Granted that the only form of a degree that I have to my name is a high school diploma I don't believe that ought to be an issue. In this country we love to talk a lot about equality but being on the same side of those experiencing unemployment, it really made me realize that this country doesn't offer enough quality jobs for those who do not have a college education. I really feel like what we need to crack down on in this country is what jobs ought to require a bachelor's degree and up and what jobs Simply require training. For instance I personally believe that if a company is looking for someone to promote their brand on social media, it shouldn't require a bachelor's degree to do so, if anything I feel as though one can be trained on how the company want's their brand promoted online and what

This Walk

If someone were to ask me to describe my relationship with God, I would use the word complicated . I've always grown up around God. I grew up in church. When I was twenty-one, I got baptized. Eleven years later since getting baptized I'm still struggling when it comes to my walk with Christ. It's gotten so bad, that I've gotten to a point where I've stopped praying because I'm afraid of getting my hopes up about the things I've prayed for.  What do you do when you've fasted and prayed and have read your bible and paid your tithes and yet you don't experience the outcome you thought you would get? It's hard to go to church and to see certain people getting prophesied to and to see their needs getting met by God and to sit there and wonder if God could careless about you and your needs? Even though my feelings are legitimate and I have the right to feel how I feel,  not too long ago I had to be honest about how I felt when it came to my spirit